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Runtime=169 m Release Year=2014 Christopher Nolan, Jonathan Nolan Canada Average Rating=8,9 / 10


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Does anybody know what's with the pan to the right at 4:45 ? I don't know much about cinema resources so i'm not sure if it means something. But it gets me because when they all are crossing the wormhole happens the exact same pan. Like if everything that happens from and until that point, happened in an instant. idk. Watch interstellar 2014 online free streaming gratis. Watch interstellar 2014 online free streaming film.

If they are us from the future. How did they solve the problem of earth becoming uninhabitable and manage to survive so far into the future. Watch interstellar 2014 online free streaming sites. Watch Interstellar 2014 Online Free streaming video by ustream. Elon Musk wet dreams about this movie.


Those aren't mountains. THEIR WAVESS. This Isn't music, it's proper cosmic alignment. A simply breathtaking film, Interstellar completely blew my expectations out of the water. The Nolan brothers took a huge risk in making a film about space travel, but they succeeded.
The movie was one of the most visually stimulating movies I've ever watched. Be prepared to stare in awe. Hans Zimmer didn't disappoint with his original scores for the movie as well. Just wave after wave of amazing CGI and music throughout the film is enjoyable just by itself.
But what I enjoyed most was the fact that the movie sticks to the main theme of human survival and curiosity. Everything that happens always links back to those themes.
Not everyone will like the movie; some of the plot twists and more bizarre explanations the Nolan brothers came up with will leave some laughing, confused, mad, and/or skeptical. After all, it is a movie on the unknown. But, the Nolan brothers outdid themselves. You have to understand that there is so much in space physics and astronautics that humans cannot even fathom. You have to understand that what the Nolan brothers came up with could be true or not be true; there's no way to know because they came up the best interpretation for the movie based on incomplete data.
TL;DR, one of the best movies made ever so go watch it. go in with an open mind and accept that humans do not know everything about space.

This isnt fiction! Thats why it touches your heart. We are in a form of a Matrix and your higher self is communicating with you. Its even more special than this movie. Audience : You should re release this movie in theatres Theaters : It's not possible Audience : No it's necessary. Watch interstellar 2014 online free streaming gratuit. Everytime I give cinemasins a chance and watch one of their videos, I always leave frustrated and confused on how people find this funny/entertaining Half of these sins arent jokes. They truly do think those sins are plot holes or wrong doings of the movie, however most of these non-joke sins are just from their lack of knowledge or lack of them paying attention to the movie Again, no they arent all jokes No this channel isnt comedy (out of the dozen or so CS videos me and my friends have seen, we have NEVER laughed) No I'm not new Yes I'm convinced if you like this channel you're a bit slow.

Watch interstellar 2014 online free streaming episodes. Lower your humor to 10% please. Interstellar truly left me speechless. A thought provoking love story that raises the standard and changes the sci fi genre with a fist full of heart. Although this may not be Nolans best from a directional stand point, and the pot may be slightly boiling over from a few minor plot holes, this film is so ambitious that you cant really be that upset by these points. The acting and screenplay really leave nothing to be desired as Matt Mac is stunning in everyway imaginable with an absolutely stellar supporting cast. Although this film may not be for everyone ill leave you with this. You'll either love it, or hate it… But Interstellar gave me the movie experience i had been waiting for. (8/10.

I wouldve loved to see this in the theater but I REFUSE to pay almost 30 on Disney+ 🙄. 2020 and this is still being my favorite movie of all time. Watch interstellar 2014 online free streaming ita. It saddens me too much that I we will never be able to discover the vastness of the universe. Maybe centuries in the future it will be possible but we will not be there to see any of it. I hope there will be atleast a colonization of mars during my lifetime. Watch interstellar 2014 online free streaming sub indo.

I'll be honest I fell in love with Interstellar, I think it's a masterpiece. 💓

Watch Interstellar 2014 Online Free streaming audio. The legends,Christopher Nolan and Hans Zimmer collaborated and successfully made a movie beyond masterpiece. Watch interstellar 2014 online free streaming.

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Is it just me who understood this video. Okay but can we all acknowledge about how this movie was released years before the first picture of a black hole was even taken yet how eerily similar it looks in the movie to the real thing. Watch Interstellar 2014 Online Free streaming vf. Oh I get it! Oh woooow, that's why the movie was stupid. Cuz o' me! Byeeeeeeeeee! credits. Watch interstellar 2014 online free streaming pc. Watch interstellar 2014 online free streaming live free. Watch Interstellar 2014 Online Free. This has to be one of the best movies Ive ever had the pleasure to watch while completely lit. Beautiful scene but theoretically inaccurate. Once you go through, you literally just appear at your destination. Theres no journey nor system malfunctioning. Kip Thorne himself said so.

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Meanwhile Diney kowtows to flujingpooh

This is actually a really realistic representation of how going through a worm hole would look, from what we understand so far. It wouldn't just be going through it and then instantly being somewhere else. This shows the bridge that lies within the fourth dimension that connects the two places. And you still have to spend time travelling through it, just far less than without the wormhole. Pretty cool. Watch interstellar 2014 online free streaming download.



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